Monday, April 27, 2020

Spoken language free essay sample

Understanding deferent contexts Identifying the features of deferent kinds of speech Is the first step In understanding spoken language. The second Is hearing how speech changes to fit different contexts. These can be different places (such as the playground, a doctors surgery, a law court or a Job interview) and different audiences (egg adults, friends, potential employers). Key to each context is purpose why we are having the conversation in the first place. Are we sharing gossip with friends in order to bond more tightly with our social group?Or boasting of some achievement In order to raise our status within that group? Are we giving or asking for Important Information? Are we persuading someone we are trustworthy so they will give us a job? Changing the way we speak is an important way of building bridges in different social situations. Not responding to new contexts or people can cause problems. We will write a custom essay sample on Spoken language or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the hands of comedians that means laughter. Spoken genres Another, related question, you might be asked to address Is: how does speech change In different genres?This refers to different kinds of speaking, and can include: public talks, political speeches, TV presenters, even school assemblies. With these questions it is important to consider the audience. Notice how the speakers use language that will be understood and accepted by the people they are talking to. One tip Is to notice the dress code. Politicians, for example, like to remove their ties If they are trying to appear more relaxed or In touch with ordinary people (although that raises the question: what do we mean by ordinary people).You might also look at the way media organizations and advertising agencies have darted to embrace regional accents. You should note which accents are preferred for which products. Some market research surveys, for example, have suggested that the public trust some accents more than others. In one, a Yorkshire accent was deemed the most trustworthy In the UK, ahead of Newcastle and Welsh. Created speech is another genre you might be asked to look at. This is speech that has been written by scriptwriters to sound like ordinary, everyday speech. It is the type of speech you hear on soap-operas, from Coronation Street to Easterners. There is a great art to making dialogue believable or authentic, but how like actual speech To answer this question you will need to consider the needs of the scripts and the realities of social interaction. A script needs to be clear so that viewers can follow an argument or a plot. Spoken language free essay sample Our spoken language has changed a lot over the years, words we use know probably would not make any sense to those who live years ago. Simple phrases such as sick would normally describe a person who Is Ill, however as It has become a big part of the teenage vocabulary the meaning has been adapted and changed to showing something that Is cool and amazing. Also our spoken language changes depending on our situation or the environment around us. We talk to certain people In different says, such as with your friend you would talk more informal and use more slang however if you were looking for a job you would talk standard English and more formally. Although I have got my own dialect, my way of speaking always changes, this is due to the fact that I have to adapt and change my spoken language to fit the situation that I am in. We will write a custom essay sample on Spoken language or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I feel the need to change the way I speak in certain situations as in a business environment I would not use slang as I would get Judged and misread, also In a Job interview I would talk formal as this would make me sound more professional and mature.Also my spoken language changes as I feel I would not fit In and I feel afraid of getting excluded and being forced Into speaking a certain way. However when I am talking to my friends I use more informal language and use more slang this is because as they are the same age as me I dont need to show them respect and I can say whatever I feel like. With my friends I use more slang as they understand what I am saying and they talk slang back.

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