Sunday, September 8, 2019

Australiam curriculum Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Australiam curriculum - Term Paper Example From the provincial level, schools are estranged into districts and then into school boards (ACARA, 2011). It is in the school boards that local policies are made that must be in line with the curriculum from the provincial level. In Australia, all students are assured of equal chances to education unlike before. For instance, pregnant students were not allowed to go to school but this has changed and they can now attend learning institutions of their choice. The government has gone further to provide special schools for the physically disabled students for example, the deaf, blind, and crippled. They are no longer denied their rights to education like before and they can even sue the government if they are not attended to. The administration has put strong disciplinary measures which legally punish any student who goes against the school rules. Punishable behaviors include resistance to authority, use of abusive language, or any kind of behavior that the administration may consider a violation of the schools norms The ministry of education is responsible for organizing as well as supervising education at the primary, secondary, and vocational levels because there is no central department in the education system. Unlike other nations where learning is monitored at the federal government, in Australia, all the responsibility of supervising learning as well as assessing students’ and teachers’ performance takes place in the national level. The provincial education system can be compared to the territorial system although they differ in their assessment, curriculum, and education policies (ACARA, 2011). Education starts at the kindergarten which takes in children as young as five years. From the kindergarten, children proceeds to the elementary school at the age of 6 to 12 years then move to the junior high school. Normally, elementary school includes six grades although it can be extended to eight grades. Junior high school acts as a

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